Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Picky Eater

He’s a picky eater, his parents say.

But he eats when he’s with me for a day.

‘Course, I always have his favorites on hand:

Spaghetti, pizza, nachos, nothing canned.

They complain that he never eats enough.

But with the right food, it’s not at all tough.

I can’t figure out why they complain so.

What’s the point of making food such a foe?

Who needs to eat a well-rounded diet?

He’s just a small kid. How fat can he get?

The dentist will fill every cavity,
      and height is not all it’s cracked up to be.

Really good health and proper nutrition
      can’t really be the only option.


  1. This is my life with my Aly. Thank you for making me feel not alone!!!!

    1. I wish you luck in the food battles! It got easier here for a long time, but we're back in the trenches again.
