Monday, July 10, 2017

Coffee Will Sustain Me Today

Hot Chocolate with M&Ms will sustain Z.
Coffee will sustain me today.
Six appointments planned, you say?
Oops, forgot one drop off/pick up. Wait!
Does that make the total seven or eight?
Coffee will sustain me today.
Last night too many thoughts kept restfulness away.
I tossed, I turned, I counted elusive sheep.
But try as I might, I could not sleep.
Coffee will sustain me today.
If the kids play nice, sneak a nap I may.
There’s time, I swear. See, I don’t need lunch!
No, even when you’re mad, don’t throw a punch.
Coffee will sustain me today.
Caffeine is just what's needed these days
as when I worked in addition to being a mom.
There’s very little calm between each behavior bomb.
Shh! Only some of the outbursts are mine, okay?
Coffee will sustain me today.

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