Friday, July 21, 2017

Not Knowing

Not knowing ~

Will I return to work next year?

Pausing one life’s dream to pursue another.

But is it pausing or stopping forever?

Not knowing ~

Will we truly integrate as one family?

Day after day, week after week goes by.

Will he engage, is he willing to try?

Not knowing ~

When will it cease to be us and them?

It’s always bio vs. foster before an argument is done.

How long will it take for them to feel united, as one?

Not knowing ~

What event will trigger a storm of emotion today?

Emotions and behavior run hot and cold.

What stories, what memories does their past hold?

I don’t have answers to these,

but ~

I know healing is happening.

I know patience and prayer are keys.

When I see smiling and hear giggling

I know it is as it was meant to be.

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