Monday, July 31, 2017

Power's Out

Power’s out.

Water’s on a pump, no shower for you.

All the food will rot! Quick, go get some ice.

Eek, there’s not a way to charge the device!

Without AC whatever shall we do?

Power’s out.

I guess we need to change all the day’s plans.

Don’t get mad. There’s no need to raise your voice.

How much time can the outage really span?

Power’s out.

Ten hours more according to the web.

Find the board games, get the Pokèmon cards.

Set up the slip n slide in the backyard.

Happy to hear the laughter flow and ebb.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Road Trip Ready

Pack your clothes, grab your device, claim your seat.
Uninterrupted family time, how sweet!

If we remembered it all, that’s a feat.

Before we’re home again, it will be weeks.

Three states. Get cozy for 21 days.

Traffic jam is not a cause for dismay:

Turn on your screen and find a game to play.

Tired, we arrive at Grandma’s to stay.

Just four days before we travel once more.

We forgot this and that. Where is the store?

The bathroom is behind which of these doors?

This place is not like home. Lots to explore.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Fighting Battles

It’s true: Everyone is fighting a battle.
He’s being evaluated in full.
Could it be autism, anxiety,
or a routine case of ADHD?
His mom’s upset, but consider her peer
whose daughter’s gender has become unclear.
However, these all pale when you can see
this mother’s son might be ready to flee,
and hers at risk for a psychotic break.
No one should have to feel this kind of ache.
She is still mourning the loss of her son,
his fight against cancer done, but not won.

It’s been months since her husband last had work
And hers stays out late, a recent new quirk.


Always offer support and remain kind.
Life is easier with efforts thus combined and
elusive happiness we might just find.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Not Knowing

Not knowing ~

Will I return to work next year?

Pausing one life’s dream to pursue another.

But is it pausing or stopping forever?

Not knowing ~

Will we truly integrate as one family?

Day after day, week after week goes by.

Will he engage, is he willing to try?

Not knowing ~

When will it cease to be us and them?

It’s always bio vs. foster before an argument is done.

How long will it take for them to feel united, as one?

Not knowing ~

What event will trigger a storm of emotion today?

Emotions and behavior run hot and cold.

What stories, what memories does their past hold?

I don’t have answers to these,

but ~

I know healing is happening.

I know patience and prayer are keys.

When I see smiling and hear giggling

I know it is as it was meant to be.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Picky Eater

He’s a picky eater, his parents say.

But he eats when he’s with me for a day.

‘Course, I always have his favorites on hand:

Spaghetti, pizza, nachos, nothing canned.

They complain that he never eats enough.

But with the right food, it’s not at all tough.

I can’t figure out why they complain so.

What’s the point of making food such a foe?

Who needs to eat a well-rounded diet?

He’s just a small kid. How fat can he get?

The dentist will fill every cavity,
      and height is not all it’s cracked up to be.

Really good health and proper nutrition
      can’t really be the only option.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

But I Don't Want to Be the Grown Up

Truth be told, I don’t wanna –

Go get groceries

Wash the wearables

Sauté and stir-fry supper

Degrease and de-grime the dishes

Suction the stairs

Disinfect the domicile

Cleanse the car

Cap computer consumption

Enunciate explanations

 Adulting is arduous. I’d much rather –

Study stories in the sun

Nap at noon

Pen poetry or

Consume coffee with companions

Maybe moments would become monotonous,

but I’d prefer these pleasures for at least a passing period.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Permission Granted

My oldest reacting to loosing his first tooth.

It’s okay to cry.
It’s okay to feel deeply.
It’s okay to be yourself –

the most authentic version of you,

the one with all the scars of life,

the one with all the flaws.

You need life experience to become wise,

deep feelings for deep compassion and empathy,

to know and love yourself to truly connect to others.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Coffee Will Sustain Me Today

Hot Chocolate with M&Ms will sustain Z.
Coffee will sustain me today.
Six appointments planned, you say?
Oops, forgot one drop off/pick up. Wait!
Does that make the total seven or eight?
Coffee will sustain me today.
Last night too many thoughts kept restfulness away.
I tossed, I turned, I counted elusive sheep.
But try as I might, I could not sleep.
Coffee will sustain me today.
If the kids play nice, sneak a nap I may.
There’s time, I swear. See, I don’t need lunch!
No, even when you’re mad, don’t throw a punch.
Coffee will sustain me today.
Caffeine is just what's needed these days
as when I worked in addition to being a mom.
There’s very little calm between each behavior bomb.
Shh! Only some of the outbursts are mine, okay?
Coffee will sustain me today.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Summer Sun

Time to get off screens,
c’mon the sun is shining!
Dog clamors for attention in the sun.
Laughing, jumping, giggling, arguing kids:
Squabble. Nit-pick. Tattle.
Have a glass of wine; that’s better.

Dog slobber. “I’m telling Mom!”
Summer has only just begun.

Summer 2017