Sunday, October 1, 2017

Coach's Daughter

I'm not a coach. I'm a coach's daughter.
This season three of my kids are playing.
Each Saturday they kit up for the pitch.
I don my layers and drive to the field.
While the team warms up, parents make small talk.
We hope rain holds off, our kids play well,
and the other team isn't too tough.

Of course we hope our kids win the game,
but mostly we want them to play their best.

Life skills can be taught on the soccer field:
Be a team player. Talk to each other.
Know your zone, but play up when possible.
Don't wait for the action to come to you.
Listen to your coach. Get into the game.
Take the shot if you can. If you can't, pass!
Don't stand still. Go to the ball. Help your team.
If it's yours, take it and run to the goal.
Take defeat with grace. Win with even more.

I'm not a coach. I'm a coach's daughter.
Life skills can be taught on the soccer field.

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