Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Anniversary Poem

Although I know you already know
I need to say it again and again:
I love you and you are my favorite.
I could not have foreseen 19 years in
our love would not yet reach a plateau.

Though much has changed, what’s important remains.
It sounds cliché to say our love has grown,
But the passing of time is not the cause.
We grow closer inside a crisis zone.
It’s not that chaos doesn’t cause strain,
When life gets intense, I can count on you
to have my back and fight alongside me.
There are days when I feel I don’t deserve
such support given unconditionally.
I know you could not ever be untrue.

This is why I feel the need to repeat
the words you have heard quite frequently:
I love you and you are my favorite,
Unconditionally and completely.
Without you I would exist incomplete.

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