Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Anniversary Poem

Although I know you already know
I need to say it again and again:
I love you and you are my favorite.
I could not have foreseen 19 years in
our love would not yet reach a plateau.

Though much has changed, what’s important remains.
It sounds cliché to say our love has grown,
But the passing of time is not the cause.
We grow closer inside a crisis zone.
It’s not that chaos doesn’t cause strain,
When life gets intense, I can count on you
to have my back and fight alongside me.
There are days when I feel I don’t deserve
such support given unconditionally.
I know you could not ever be untrue.

This is why I feel the need to repeat
the words you have heard quite frequently:
I love you and you are my favorite,
Unconditionally and completely.
Without you I would exist incomplete.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Behaviors Have Consequences

What? My behaviors have consequences?
Ramifications that are just for me?
That can't be right. That does not feel fair.

I know how to fix this. I'll gain more stealth.
Hiding evidence of my misdeeds
should lead to the results I am after.

Oh no! I am caught. Time to sob and scream.
If you ignore, I'll stomp and slam the doors.
Don't speak unless you are looking to fight!

These are the tirades of one who is a teen.
Yes, your behaviors have consequences,
ramifications that are just for you.

Monday, September 18, 2017

My Favorite Time of Year

Fall is my favorite time of year:
A cool, crispness returns to the air and
The household routine regains structure.

Fall is my favorite time of year:
Blindingly bright, blue skies followed by
Drizzling drops tumbling onto bone dry grasses.

Fall is my favorite time of year:
Snuggle deep under cover while slumbering;
Wear a cozy sweater, but don’t forget sunglasses.

Fall is my favorite time of year:
Take comfort in hot beverages and carb loaded food.
Build a fire and huddle under a warm blanket to read.

Fall is my favorite time of year:
Nature puts on a colorful, vibrant show as
Green growing things prepare for the cold months ahead.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Meanest Parents Ever

We are quite clearly the meanest parents ever.
Obviously! Who else would ever endeavor
to ensure protein is ingested at each meal?
Or reject almost every plea and appeal
for screen time before completing homework and chores?
Natural consequences reside at the core
of our main disciplinary strategy.
And that’s what makes us, yes us, Chad and Natalie,
without a doubt, the meanest parents ever all.