Saturday, August 5, 2017

Orchestrated and Organized?

I like a well-organized living space

and a well-orchestrated calendar.

But I have kids who keep trashing the place

and are scheduled to be both near and far.

They haven’t yet learned to pick up their stuff

creating trails from front door to their beds.

Attempts to correct are met with rebuff, so

the clutter and mess continue to spread.

As for the calendar, don’t let me start:

Appointments, sports practice, music lessons,

of our schedule, that’s only one part.

There’s still school and homework before we’re done.

It’ll be better in summer, you say?

Enrichment classes, sleepovers with friends,

math and reading forced between hours of play.

Long family trip, no routine to tend.

But somehow

the schedule remains full; the mess still stays.

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