Monday, August 28, 2017

Don't Let My Desires Interfere

Lord, put me where you want me this year.
Don’t let my desires interfere.

The idea of pausing my career
fills me with a little bit of fear.
Even though I know family time is dear
and adoption is a new frontier,
back to school dreams have not disappeared.

Lord, put me where you want me this year.
Don’t let my desires interfere.

Your short-term plan for me feels unclear,
though the long-term goals are crystal clear.
But for the moment that is now here 
I can’t seem to find the way to steer
that keeps both on a course that is clear.

Lord, put me where you want me this year.
Don’t let my desires interfere.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Late Summer Haikus

Summer’s almost done

The kids heading back to school

Bye-bye leisure time

Sure I’ll help you out

Your dog is cute and little

Man, his yap is loud

Do you have a dream?

One worthy of a great speech?

No, neither do I.

Friday, August 25, 2017


I have goals and desires
running quite deep in my soul.
But yet, here I sit.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Goals and Dreams

Do you have dreams and goals

living deep in your soul?

Deep desires leave holes;

longings, wants on patrol.

But what if life-long goals

cannot together stroll?

To do each well, I scroll

between two different roles.

Leaving one takes a toll,

though the other consoles

and truly feeds my soul.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

A Parent's Lament

It’s not my fault.

You made some poor choices.

I’m leaving options open – as many as I can.

One door is shut, locked firmly for now.

If you stop pining in front of it

You will see a myriad of other possibilities.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Not Going Back

Not going back to school this year.
By my own choice my path did veer.
Though you may feel the urge to jeer,
I do not feel regret or fear.
Instead, I am blessed and full of cheer
to raise new children, so dear.
Although it would be insincere
to claim joy at a paused career.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Amusement Park Limerick

Amusement parks are so very much fun!
Why have my children never wanted to come?
The lines are long,
the sun is strong.
Fears, tears, and frustration before the day is done.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Parenting Limerick

If this one is happy, that one is not.

The family harmony that has been sought

is fleeting at best

and parents often feel stressed

attempting to ensure life lessons are well taught.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Family Vacation

    Family vacation –

fun in the sun and sea

usually surly teen seen smiling

gaming and giggling with cousins

fast paced rides and long days

     Family vacation –

tears and fears at the amusement park

sunburns and super sleepy kids

cranky, arguing, tattling siblings

frustrated and tired parents

Family vacation –

grandparents, aunts, cousins

basketball, biking, bowling

swimming, skateboarding, soccer

hide and seek, tag, plastic sword play

      Family vacation –

quick, let me get a pic!

When can we do it again?

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Seaside with Kids

Let’s go to the beach!
Fun is within reach;
might see a whale breach.
Bring sandwiches, one each.

The waves are too bold,
the water too cold.
The seaweed has mold.
The fun you foretold
is not as you sold.

I don’t want to scold but
these complaints are old.
You can choose to play
or grumble all day.
Whatever you say
I will enjoy my stay
by the side of the bay.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Beach Days

a haiku and a limerick

Have you ever buried your brother in the sand?

Covering his elbows and toes and skin so tan…
Just be sure to uncover his nose
Or there will certainly be woes
When you mother discovers her family is down a man.

We went to the beach
Where the kids dug a huge hole
Choosing not to swim

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Orchestrated and Organized?

I like a well-organized living space

and a well-orchestrated calendar.

But I have kids who keep trashing the place

and are scheduled to be both near and far.

They haven’t yet learned to pick up their stuff

creating trails from front door to their beds.

Attempts to correct are met with rebuff, so

the clutter and mess continue to spread.

As for the calendar, don’t let me start:

Appointments, sports practice, music lessons,

of our schedule, that’s only one part.

There’s still school and homework before we’re done.

It’ll be better in summer, you say?

Enrichment classes, sleepovers with friends,

math and reading forced between hours of play.

Long family trip, no routine to tend.

But somehow

the schedule remains full; the mess still stays.