Monday, February 21, 2022

Last Week in Haiku

 Atypical Week

Atypical week:

Monday was Valentine's Day.

Roses, candy, cards.

Then Tuesday arrived.

Too many meetings scheduled.

Migraine subtracts one.

Ran a Zoom break out room

then I pitched my friend's first book

One more task awaits.

Partner leaving soon

means it's time to interview

kids need a teacher.

One student's absent:

arachnid bite overnight;

spent day in ER.

Another sobs twice.

First unfriended IRL

and then felt dizzy.

Blast email to say

COVID case in grade.

Have I been exposed?

Now I am not sure

the name of the day of week

Is it Friday yet?

Yes! But wait, there's more!

Partner's last day: sad students.

We are now short staffed.

Friday also brought

a second interviewee,

deleting goodbyes.

The weekend is here!

Loving husband has a plan:

Go away to play.