Saturday, December 24, 2022

I'm Not Old, But I'm Not Young

I'm not old, but I'm not young...

gradually aging with

random rashes and hot flashes,

new pain and sudden weight gain.

I'm not old, but I'm not young...

my kids now adults with

graduations pending and

major life plans commencing.

I'm not old, but I'm not young...

my experience with

adulting is three decades strong

but wisdom comes slowly along.

I'm not old, but I'm not young...

friends have come and gone with

Facebook helping to ease distance

as others spring to existence.

I'm not old, but I'm not young...

happily aging with

the career I always wanted

and love that has not absconded.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Last Week in Haiku

 Atypical Week

Atypical week:

Monday was Valentine's Day.

Roses, candy, cards.

Then Tuesday arrived.

Too many meetings scheduled.

Migraine subtracts one.

Ran a Zoom break out room

then I pitched my friend's first book

One more task awaits.

Partner leaving soon

means it's time to interview

kids need a teacher.

One student's absent:

arachnid bite overnight;

spent day in ER.

Another sobs twice.

First unfriended IRL

and then felt dizzy.

Blast email to say

COVID case in grade.

Have I been exposed?

Now I am not sure

the name of the day of week

Is it Friday yet?

Yes! But wait, there's more!

Partner's last day: sad students.

We are now short staffed.

Friday also brought

a second interviewee,

deleting goodbyes.

The weekend is here!

Loving husband has a plan:

Go away to play.