Thursday, January 7, 2021

Pandemic Poetry: Virus Vicissitudes in Haiku

Virus Vicissitudes in Haiku

Travel vanishes

a vicious novel virus

vexes the whole world. 

Vulnerable folks 

fall victim to the virus, 

devoid of visits.

Varied vocal views,

verbal venom on all sides,

vie for victory.


Divisive voices

will not vanquish this villain:

vaccines are vital. 

Pandemic Poetry: How to Cope During Quarantine

How to Cope During Quarantine 

No where to go, no plans to make.

What is a family to do?

Let's add to our home zoo!

Kittens, tortoise, how about a snake?

No where to go, no plans to make.

Legos, anime, Steam, and Discord,

Manga, Minecraft, card games and board,

If you're still at a loss, you can always bake.

No where to go, no plans to make.

Stop looking at a screen and go for a walk,

ride your bike, or draw on the cement with chalk!

Your eyes and brain will enjoy the break.

No where to go, no plans to make.

The news of this virus is NOT fake.

So please don't put your life at stake.

No where to go, no plans to make.